Il MiR100 è un robot mobile sicuro ed economico che automatizza rapidamente i trasporti e la logistica all'interno dell'azienda. Ottimizza i flussi di lavoro liberando risorse tra il personale, contribuendo così ad aumentare la produttività e a ridurre i costi.
The MiR250 redefines the standards of internal logistics: a faster, safer and more agile robot than any other solution in the same category on the market. The innovative MiR250 equipped with the latest technologies, is designed for particularly simple maintenance and is able to move smoothly and efficient in dynamic environments. It can even pass through doors as small as 80 cm.
The MiR600 is a stronger and safer AMR. The MiR600 complies with the highest robotics standards available, making it superior to other AMRs on the market. With a greater ability to resist dust particles and fluids as well as complying with the highest safety standards on the market, the MiR600 is safer, more stable and more reliable than other AMRs on the market.
The MiR1350 is MiR's most powerful AMR to date. The MiR1350 complies with the highest robot standards available, making it superior to other AMRs on the market.